Disinfectant Testing Lab

With thorough testing, we make sure your products meet the highest industry standards.

What is disinfectant efficacy testing (DET)?

Disinfectant Efficacy Testing (DET) is the process of testing the effectiveness of disinfectants in efficiently killing or reducing microorganisms present on any surface. Disinfectant testing ensures that these products meet the specified regulatory requirements and perform as expected in real-life usage scenarios. By determining the effectiveness of the product against a broad spectrum of microorganisms, efficacy testing helps verify the effectiveness of these products in preventing infections in varied environments, especially in high-risk areas like healthcare and public settings.

Disinfectant and Sanitizer Testing and Screening Methods

  • Quantitative Time-Kill Test 

Quantitative Time-Kill Testing determines the antimicrobial ability of a disinfectant or sanitizer in liquid suspension by measuring the ability to reduce bacterial levels over specified times. It simply consists of exposing the tested bacteria to the disinfectant, then neutralizing the disinfectant and counting the surviving organisms. The results show a log reduction in viable bacteria, reflecting the product’s efficacy. 

  • Disinfectant Neutralization Testing 

This method aims to test neutralizing agents that inactivate active antimicrobial agents, ensuring that they do not inhibit the microorganisms intended for recovery. It offers a wide range of neutralization options for test substances .

  • Hard surface time kill test for Disinfectants 

The Hard Surface Time-Kill Test evaluates a disinfectant’s effectiveness over time by applying a microbial culture to a sterile test surface and treating it with the test product for different durations. After exposure, the surfaces are neutralized, and surviving microorganisms are cultured and counted.

  • Minimum inhibitory concentration 

The MIC test is a laboratory technique that defines the minimum concentration of an antimicrobial agent needed to inhibit the visible growth of a microorganism. MICs are used to evaluate the antimicrobial efficacy of various compounds by measuring the effect of decreasing concentrations of antibiotics over a defined period .

  • Minimum Bactericidal Concentration test 

 The Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) test determines the minimum concentration of antibacterial agents required to kill 99.9% of test microorganisms in the original inoculum within a specified time frame. Typically performed after determining the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC).  

Factors affecting the efficacy of disinfection and sterilization

The effectiveness of disinfection and sterilization depends on several key parameters, including the type of microorganism, the concentration of the disinfectant, the exposure time and the presence of organic materials. Other key parameters such as temperature, pH, surface characteristics and method of application of the products also play a vital role in determining how effectively a disinfectant removes potentially infectious pathogens.

Evaluation of product efficacy

Several international standards provide strict guidelines for assessing the bactericidal, fungicidal/yeasticidal and virucidal efficacy of chemical disinfectants. These regulatory standards include the European Standards (EN ), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) and the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists (AOAC ) standards. Disinfectant manufacturers are recommended to consider the requirements of each organization and their geographical locations before choosing the test standard, as these requirements may vary by region. The evaluation criteria depend on the intended use of the product and the test conditions specified in standard guidelines.

Test methods for disinfectants

Microbe Investigations Switzerland offers a comprehensive range of efficacy testing for surface disinfectants and antiseptics, including antibacterial, antiviral and fungicidal/yeasticidal tests. These standards include European standards (EN), ISO standards, ASTM standards and AOAC standards.

EN standards:

Test for evaluating bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants & antiseptics use in food, industrial, domestic, & institutional areas

Quantitative (phase 1 suspension) test to evaluate the basic bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics

Quantitative (phase 1 suspension) test for basic sporicidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics
Quantitative (phase 2 step 1 suspension) test for mycobactericidal or tuberculocidal efficacy testing of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for medical area
Quantitative (phase 2 step 1 suspension) test for sporicidal efficacy testing of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for medical area
Quantitative (phase 2 step 1 suspension) test for bactericidal efficacy testing of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for veterinary area
Quantitative (phase 2 step 1 suspension) test for mycobactericidal efficacy testing of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for veterinary area
Quantitative (phase 2 step 1 suspension) test for bactericidal activity of disinfectants against Legionella pneumophila in aqueous systems
Quantitative (phase 2 step 1 suspension) test for sporicidal efficacy testing of chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for bactericidal efficacy testing of hygienic hand wash products used in the medical area
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for bactericidal efficacy testing of hand rub products used in the medical area
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for bactericidal efficacy testing of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for surgical hand disinfection
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for bactericidal efficacy testing of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for instrument disinfection in medical areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for mycobactericidal or tuberculocidal efficacy testing of chemical disinfectants intended for instrument disinfection in the medical area
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for assessing bactericidal and yeasticidal activity of disinfectant wipes used in medical areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for chemical-thermal textile disinfection used in media areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for microbicidal activity of automated airborne room disinfection processes
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for the evaluation of bactericidal and yeasticidal and/or fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in medical areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for Evaluation of the bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for evaluation of bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area
Test for the evaluation of bactericidal and/or fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic & institutional areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 1 suspension) test for bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants intended for medical area

ASTM standards:

Determination of disinfectant efficacy against Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm using the MBEC Assay
Determination of disinfectant efficacy against biofilm grown in the CDC biofilm reactor using the single-tube method
Determination of microbicidal efficacy of laundry sanitizers and disinfectants
Evaluation of bactericidal efficacy of laundry sanitizers and disinfectants for use in high-efficiency washing operations
Evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of pre-saturated or impregnated towelettes for hard surface disinfection
Test method for evaluation of inactivators of antimicrobial agents

Evaluating the efficacy of sanitizers intended for inanimate, hard, non-porous, non-food contact surfaces

Test method for healthcare personnel handwash formulations
Test method for bactericidal activity of hygienic handwash and hand rub agents

AOAC standards:

AOAC Use Dilution Method for disinfectants against Staphylococcus aureus
AOAC Use Dilution Method for disinfectants against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Chlorine equivalency method for sanitizers and disinfectant products
Determination of germicidal and detergent sanitizing action of disinfectants
Evaluation of the tuberculocidal activity of disinfectants
Test method for swimming pool water disinfectants
Test method for evaluating sporicidal activity of disinfectants
Evaluating the bactericidal activity of disinfectants against Salmonella choleraesuis

EPA standards:

Evaluating the efficacy of antimicrobial surface coatings
Determining residual sanitizing efficacy of dried chemical residues on hard non-porous surface
Determining antimicrobial activity of hard, non-porous copper-containing surface products

PAS standard:

Evaluating residual (bactericidal and/or yeasticidal) efficacy of liquid chemical disinfectants

EN standards:

Quantitative (phase 2 step 1 suspension) test for virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas

Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants on hard non-porous surfaces in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for microbicidal activity of automated airborne room disinfection processes
Quantitative (phase 2 step 1 suspension) test for the virucidal activity of disinfectant or antiseptics used in medical areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 1 suspension) test for virucidal activity of disinfectant or antiseptics used in veterinary areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 1 suspension) test for virucidal activity of disinfectant against bacteriophages used in food, industrial and domestic areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for virucidal activity of disinfectant used in the medical area
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for virucidal activity of medical instrument disinfectants
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for virucidal activity of chemical disinfectants or antiseptics used in veterinary areas

ASTM standards:

Assessing virucidal activity of chemicals used for disinfection of inanimate, non-porous environmental surfaces
Evaluating virus eliminating efficacy of hygienic handwash and hand rub agent

EN standards:

Quantitative (phase 1 suspension) test for evaluating basic fungicidal or basic yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for medical areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 1 suspension) test for fungicidal or yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for medical areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 1 suspension) test for fungicidal or yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for veterinary area
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for fungicidal or yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for medical areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for bactericidal and yeasticidal and/or fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for medical areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for fungicidal or yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for veterinary area
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for fungicidal or yeasticidal activity for instruments disinfectants used in the medical area
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for bactericidal and/or fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas
Quantitative (phase 2 step 2 suspension) test for microbicidal activity of automated airborne room disinfection processes

PAS standard:

Test method for evaluating residual bactericidal and/or yeasticidal efficacy of liquid chemical disinfectants

To learn more about disinfectant testing, please check out our blog, The Ultimate Guide to disinfectant testing.

Organisms tested in our disinfectant testing laboratory


Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538P), Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 4352), Escherichia coli (ATCC 8739), Legionella spp. (ATCC 700511), Salmonella enterica (ATCC 10708), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 15442), Enterococcus hirae (ATCC 10541), MRSA (ATCC 3391),


Human adenoviruses (ATCC VR-5), Vaccinia virus (ATCC VR-1549), Betacoronavirus 1 (ATCC VR-1558), Human coronavirus (ATCC VR-740), Influenza A virus (H3N2) (ATCC VR-1679), Influenza A virus (H1N1) (ATCC VR-1469), Feline calicivirus (FCV) F-9 (US Patent strain), Poliovirus Type 1 (Sabin) (LSc-2ab), Murine norovirus (MNV) (S99),


Aspergillus niger (ATCC 16888), Penicillium funiculosum (ATCC 11797), Chaetomium globosum (ATCC 6205), Aureobasidium pullulans (ATCC 15233), Candida auris (MYA5002), Candida albicans (MTCC-3017)

Scope of disinfectant products tested at MIS

Disinfectant and antiseptic formulations used across various sectors such as human medicine, food handling and processing, industrial, domestic, veterinary settings and institutional settings are tested at MIS. We receive various product samples for testing such as –

Variables to consider for a disinfectant qualification

When conducting a disinfectant qualification, several key variables must be considered to ensure accurate and effective testing. These include:

  • Following the regulatory guidelines to ensure standardized testing
  • Testing both environmental isolates and reference strains to evaluate real-world and benchmark efficacy.
  • Testing various types of biocides to assess broad-spectrum activity, including sporicidal efficacy.
  • Conducting the disinfectant tests at relevant temperatures to reflect real-world conditions.
  • Evaluating the disinfectant performance on different materials (e.g., stainless steel, glass).
  • Testing disinfectants at varying contact times to assess microbial kill rates.

Using organic material to simulate real-life contamination and its impact on efficacy.

Importance of disinfectant efficacy testing

Fabric testing is essential for maintaining the quality, safety and performance of fabrics used in various industries. Below are key reasons why fabrictesting is crucial:

Ensures product effectiveness

Testing ensures that disinfectants work as expected, effectively killing or inactivating specific harmful pathogens.

Protects public health

Efficient disinfectants prevent the occurrence of breakouts and infections by reducing the spread of dangerous bacteria and viruses, fungi, etc.

Compliance with standards

Industries strictly adhere to applicable regulatory standards like EN, EPA and ISO for disinfectants in order to legally sell and use them.

Quality assurance

Manufacturers can verify and validate that the lot is reliable and consistent in order to meet the minimum efficacious level.

Informs proper usage

Testing reveals the appropriate concentration, contact time, and application methods for optimal performance.

Risk mitigation

Identifies limitations and potential inefficacies of disinfectants, enabling better risk management and safer environments.

Supports marketing claims

Verifies that product claims (e.g., “kills 99.9% of germs”) are accurate, building consumer trust and meeting advertising regulations.

Why trust MIS with your
disinfectant product testing?

At MIS, we utilize advanced technologies to evaluate the effectiveness of disinfectants and antiseptics. Our team of expert microbiologists meticulously oversees testing processes to ensure precision and accuracy. We specialize in designing and executing both qualitative and quantitative tests tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. Our commitment at MIS is to fully understand your testing requirements and assess your products against all essential quality criteria within a set timeframe. For comprehensive disinfectant efficacy testing of your products, contact us today.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the efficacy of disinfectants evaluated in a disinfectant testing laboratory?
The efficacy of a disinfectant is tested in a disinfectant testing laboratory using standardized methods typically involving exposing contaminated surfaces to a known concentration of disinfectant for a specific contact time and measuring the reduction in the number of viable microorganisms.
Why is the length of exposure to a chemical disinfectant important for its activity?
The length of exposure or contact time, is critical because insufficient contact time may not effectively kill or inactivate all microorganisms on the surface, reducing the overall efficacy of the disinfectant.
Where should you look to determine which pathogens a product is effective against and the necessary contact time?
The label on the product or the manufacturer’s instructions will indicate what pathogens the disinfectants will be effective against and the required contact time for effective disinfection.
What distinguishes disinfectants from antiseptics in the context of disinfectant testing?
Disinfectants are used to kill or inactivate microorganisms on inanimate surfaces, while antiseptics are applied to living tissue to inhibit microbial growth. In disinfectant testing, the focus is on evaluating the efficacy of products on inanimate objects, ensuring they meet safety and regulatory standards for environmental hygiene.
How frequently should disinfectants be tested for efficacy?
Disinfectants should be tested periodically, often annually or whenever there are changes in formulation, application procedures or regulations.
Can disinfectant testing be customized for specific applications?
Yes, disinfectant testing can be customized to meet specific application needs, including testing against particular microorganisms or under specific environmental conditions.
What types of disinfectants are typically examined in disinfectant testing laboratories?
Disinfectant testing laboratories commonly test surface disinfectants, instrument disinfectants, textile disinfectants, hygienic handwashes and hand rubs.
What are the key parameters evaluated during disinfectant testing?
Key parameters evaluated during disinfectant testing include microbial reduction and testing conditions like contact time, concentration, temperature and the presence of organic matter.

Ready to test your product?

Microbe Investigations Switzerland