ASTM E1053

Standard to Assess Virucidal Activity of Chemicals Intended for Disinfection of Inanimate and Nonporous environmental surfaces

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Quick understanding of the test

ASTM E1053 - Standard to Assess Virucidal Activity of Chemicals Intended for Disinfection of Inanimate and Nonporous environmental surfaces

ASTM E1053 assesses the virucidal efficacy of disinfectants on inanimate, nonporous surfaces under controlled conditions.


Applicable to products such as liquid, aerosol, and trigger-spray disinfectants .
  • A viral suspension is spread over an inanimate, nonporous surface. and allowed to dry.
  • The test sample is applied as directed and kept for the specified contact time.
  • Eluate from the test surface is collected and titrated to measure the reduction in infectivity compared to a control.


Turnaround Time

It typically takes 3-4 weeks .
Results are evaluated by comparing the viral titer after treatment to the control.

Passing criteria

To pass the test, product must achieve a 4 log reduction in viral infectivity in comparison to control .

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ASTM E1053 is a surface test to determine virucidal activity of chemicals intended for the disinfection of inanimate and nonporous environmental surfaces. Products to be evaluated for virucidal efficacy using ASTM E1053 include liquid, aerosol, or trigger-spray microbicides.

ASTM E1053 test can be performed for most viruses that are grown and multiply on cell cultures. Additionally, this test can be used for other virus cultivation mediums such as embryonated egg culture.

ASTM E1053 Test Conditions & Requirements

  • Test microorganisms used – SARS CoV-2,  Beta coronavirus (OC43), Human coronavirus (229E), Influenza A Viruses (H1N1 and H3N2), Poliovirus, Adenovirus, Murine Norovirus, Vaccinia virus, Feline Calicivirus
  • Test temperature  – 22 ± 2 °C
  • Contact time –  As suggested by manufacturer
  • Interfering substance  – Fetal bovine serum or organic soil load

ASTM E1053 Test Method

  • Viral suspension is uniformly spread over an inanimate, nonporous surface.
  • On dried virus film, test sample is inoculated and maintained at 20°C  for desired contact time. Meanwhile, in test control, the sample is replaced with an equal amount of buffer solution.
  • The inoculated surfaces of the plates are scraped and passed through Sephadex gel filtration column to determine the titre of the remaining virus.
  • This filtrate is further diluted and plated to determine infectious titre.
  • On dried virus film, test sample is inoculated and maintained at 20°C  for desired contact time. Meanwhile, in test control, the sample is replaced with an equal amount of buffer solution.This filtrate is further diluted and plated to determine infectious titre.For the test to be considered valid, a recovery of at least 10 4.8 6.3 infectious units per control dish should be achieved.
  • Viral suspension is uniformly spread over an inanimate, nonporous surface.
  • The inoculated surfaces of the plates are scraped and passed through Sephadex gel filtration column to determine the titre of the remaining virus.For the test to be considered valid, a recovery of at least 10 4.8 6.3 infectious units per control dish should be achieved.


MIS offers a comprehensive range of antimicrobial testing services. During antimicrobial analysis of samples, our experts adhere to standard guidelines and also follow necessary preventive measures to mitigate contamination threats to provide reliable results.

With extensive research experience pertaining to microbiology analysis and experimental designs, we help our clients to develop and launch safe, effective and high-quality products.

Need help with booking your sample for ASTM E1053 or ASTM E1052 tests? Contact our expert here today.

Frequently Asked Questions

DR. Martinoz Scholtz

MIS Labs
1. What is ASTM E1053 test?

ASTM E1053 test is used to determine the virucidal activity of chemicals intended for disinfection of inanimate and nonporous environmental surfaces.


2. What are the Products that can be tested with ASTM E1053 test?

ASTM E1053 test is applicable to liquid, aerosol, or trigger-spray microbicides used for disinfection of inanimate and nonporous environmental surfaces.

3. What is the Turnaround Time for ASTM E1053 test?

ASTM E1053 test takes 3-4 weeks to complete.

4. On how many (viruses) can your ASTM E1053 testing lab perform tests on?

At Microbe Investigations, we test for ASTM E1053 using the following viral strains : SARS CoV-2,  Beta coronavirus (OC43), Human coronavirus (229E), Influenza A Viruses (H1N1 and H3N2), Poliovirus, Adenovirus, Murine Norovirus, Vaccinia virus, Feline Calicivirus.

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