Antibacterial Testing Laboratory

With thorough testing, we make sure your products meet the highest industry standards.

What is Antibacterial Testing ?

Antibacterial testing is a crucial requirement for industries betrothed in the development of antibacterial products. Basically, microbiological assessment is helpful to validate products for their antimicrobial efficacy, shelf life, and presence of potential contamination factors.

Antimicrobial testing is also implied to monitor the microbiological quality of non – sterile products.

With an extensive experience in executing microbiological testing, MIS offers an array of services towards varied industries globally such as textiles, disinfectants, coatings, and cosmetics. Our antibacterial testing services are tailored to our client’s individual needs.

We execute and perform antibacterial testing services for following industries –

Test methods for textiles

The ASTM E2149 test method quantifies and evaluates the efficacy of a sample treated with a non-leaching antimicrobial agent through the shaking in of an organism suspension.
The AATCC 100 is a quantitative test method used to determine the antibacterial activity of a textile or porous material, such as paper filter media and tissues. This proves to be particularly useful in the sports, commercial, and medical fields.
The Japanese Industrial Standard [JIS] L 1902 test has been developed to test the antimicrobial activity of various fabrics. The JIS L 1902 test method has been embraced as an International Standards Organization (ISO) method, ISO 20743, with a few minor changes.
ISO 20743 is a ‘quantitative test’ used to determine the antibacterial activity of all antibacterial textile products. It is designed to test the ability of fabrics that have been treated with antimicrobial agents to prevent microbial growth and to kill microorganisms.
AATCC 147, also known as Parallel Streak Method is a qualitative test method specifying the bacteriostatic activity of diffusible antimicrobial agents on textile materials.
AATCC 174 has been developed by American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists (AATCC) to determine the antimicrobial activity of new carpet materials.
The JIS Z 2801 test is designed to quantitatively measure the ability of plastics to inhibit the growth of microorganisms (Bacteriostatic) or kill them (Bactericidal), over a 24-hour period of contact. It is a relatively sensitive assay, meaning that it can detect low-level antimicrobial effects exerted over long periods of time.
ASTM E2180 test is a quantitative method for determining the antimicrobial effectiveness of the agent(s) incorporated in polymeric or hydrophobic surfaces. This test method can also be used to determine “shelf life” or long-term durability of antimicrobial-treated materials by testing both washed and non-wasted samples over a period of time.
ISO 22196 is a quantitative test used to determine the antimicrobial activity of antibacterial treated plastic materials to kill bacteria (bactericidal) or inhibit their growth (bacteriostatic).
ASTM G29 test method determines the efficacy of plastic films integrated with anti-algae additives to resist the growth of surface-growing algae.
ASTM E3031 is a standard test method used to evaluate the efficacy of ceramic surfaces impregnated with antibacterial agents.
ASTM G22 standard specifies a qualitative test method for determining the antibacterial resistance of additives impregnated in plastic materials.
ASTM D2574 is an antimicrobial efficacy test that determines the resistance of emulsion paints containing biocides from microbial deterioration.
EN 16615 test or 4 field test is the standard protocol that specifies the test procedure for determining the bactericidal and yeasticidal activity of disinfectant wipes intended to be used in hospitals.
The EN 1276 is a quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of the bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. This is particularly useful across food, industrial, domestic, and institutional sectors.
EN 13697 is a quantitative non-porous surface test that specifies the bactericidal and/or fungicidal activity of chemical disinfectants. This test is only for chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic, and institutional areas.
EN 13727 is a quantitative suspension test that determines the bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in the medical area. The common areas where disinfection is medically indicated include patient care settings, nursing homes, dental facilities, clinics of schools, etc.
EN 14349 test determines the efficacy of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics developed using bactericidal agents. This test is applicable to products to be used in the area of veterinary situations on non-porous surfaces without mechanical action.
EN 14561 test method is used to determine bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics intended for instrument disinfection in medical areas. This test is applicable to products used in areas and/or situations such as hospitals, dental clinics, workspaces, houses, and clinics of schools.
EN 1040 (phase 1, suspension test) is used to determine the basic bactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. This test is performed to confirm biocidal efficacy of products without stimulating practical conditions for their intended use.
PAS 2424 test is a quantitative non-porous surface test that evaluates the residual bactericidal and/or yeasticidal activity of chemical disinfectant products.
Use Dilution test is used to measure the efficacy of liquid based disinfectants against Salmonella enterica, Staphylococcus aureus, Trichophyton mentagrophytes, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa particular.
AOAC 961.02 standard is designed to assess germicidal efficacy of spray disinfectants intended to be used on inanimate, non-porous surfaces.
ASTM E1153 is a quantitative antimicrobial efficacy test method designed to check the efficacy of sanitizer formulations.
EN 14563 is a quantitative carrier test designed to assess mycobactericidal or tuberculocidal activity of chemical disinfectants intended for instruments in medical areas.
EN 13704 specifies a test method to assess the sporicidal activity of chemical disinfectants used in food, industrial, domestic and institutional areas. EN 13704 test is excluding situations/areas where disinfection is medically indicated or disinfectant products are used on living tissues except for hand hygiene formulations.
EN 1499 specifies a test method that stimulates practical conditions to determine the efficacy of hygienic hand wash products in reducing transient microbial flora of the hands.
EN 1500 test stimulates practical conditions to check if hygienic handrubs are effective in eliminating transient microflora when used on artificially contaminated hands of volunteers.
EN 14348 specifies a test method that determines mycobactericidal (or tuberculocidal) activity of chemical disinfectant products intended for use in the medical area.
ASTM E1174 is used to determine the effectiveness of health care handwash agents/formulations against microorganisms that transiently colonise the skin.

At MIS, antibacterial testing services are rendered by a team of experienced microbiology professionals and experts who work closely with clients to cater their requirements. The provided services are executed using cutting-edge technologies. 

Our antibacterial testing laboratory  generates scientific data that support product efficacy claims as per standard guidelines and address quality challenges related to right  product development.

We are committed to provide 100% accurate results that can help our client to produce high quality products.

To learn more or book antibacterial testing for your products, contact our experts now.

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Microbe Investigations Switzerland