EN 14347 is a European Standard which specifies a test method for the evaluation of the sporicidal efficacy of chemical disinfectants. This standard is critical to ensure that products used for disinfection meet strict efficacy standards, particularly against spores which are known for their resistance and potential to cause infections. Thus the selection of a competent testing laboratory for EN 14347 is very important. This article outlines what to look for when selecting a laboratory for the testing of sporicidal disinfectants and antiseptics as per EN 14347.

Criteria for selecting a testing laboratory for EN 14347


  • When selecting a testing laboratory, an important factor to consider is accreditation. This indicates that the laboratory has been evaluated and approved by a governing body to perform certain tests, including those for sporicidal efficacy according to the EN 14347 standard. Accreditation assures that the laboratory meets international standards and quality guidelines.

Technological capabilities of EN 14347 Testing laboratory

  • Advanced testing equipment

The ability of a laboratory to provide accurate results highly depends on its technological resources. Laboratories equipped with advanced testing equipment and facilities are better positioned to conduct EN 14347 testing thus providing precise estimation of sporicidal efficacy.

  • Technical expertise

Expertise of the laboratory staff in conducting sporicidal testing is also important. Laboratories that have a team with specialised knowledge in EN 14347 standard and experience in testing a wide range of disinfectants and antiseptics can offer more reliable and comprehensive testing services.

Scope and flexibility of testing

  • Comprehensive testing services

Look for laboratories that offer a wide range of testing services and have sufficient facilities to cover all the requirements for EN 14347 testing. This includes the ability to test the products against a variety of spores and under different conditions that replicate practical scenarios.

  • Flexibility and customization

Each disinfectant or antiseptic may require specific conditions or adaptations of the standard testing method. A laboratory that can provide flexible and customised testing solutions will be valuable for manufacturers looking to test their products under specific conditions or for specific markets.

Turnaround time and customer service

  • Efficient turnaround times

The time it takes for a laboratory to complete testing is an important factor especially for products in the development phase or those requiring certification for market entry. Laboratories offering  efficient turnaround times without compromising on the quality of testing are preferable.

  • Responsive customer service

Responsive customer service is essential for a smooth and effective testing partnership. Excellent customer service including clear communication, response    to inquiries and transparent testing processes is very important. A laboratory that is committed to supporting its clients throughout the testing process can greatly improve the overall experience.

Why choose MIS ?

At Microbe Investigations Switzerland (MIS), we offer a broad spectrum of antimicrobial testing services that cater to a wide range of industries. Our expertise in EN 14347 and other similar standards ensures that clients receive testing services that are not only compliant with international regulations but also tailored to meet specific industry requirements. With state-of-the-art laboratories equipped with the latest technology, we provide accurate and reliable testing results. Furthermore, our team is committed to delivering exceptional customer service by offering personalised support throughout the testing process.

To know more about our EN 14347 testing services or to receive a quotation on any related services, please contact our experts.


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