The emergence of new pathogens and the enduring challenge of combating well-known microbes underscore the necessity for understanding product labels. Appropriate disinfectant product labels would help consumers make decisions regarding the possibility of safe and effective use of the products. The product label reflects the safety standard met by the products. EN 14347 is one such standard that specifies the test method for determining the sporicidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. The importance of understanding this standard enables consumers to make informed choices on the disinfectants to use in their homes, workplaces, and other professional areas. This article gives a brief overview of EN 14347, its importance for consumer safety, and how to interpret these labels when purchasing disinfectant products.

What is EN 14347?

EN 14347 is a standard developed by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). It includes the test methods and guidelines for assessing the sporicidal activity of chemical disinfectants. EN 14347 protects the health of the end-users by stipulating tough testing criteria before a claim of sporicidal activity can be made. It targets the disinfectants being developed for any high risk area like hospitals, laboratories, food processing zones, and domestic spaces.

The importance of EN 14347

The importance of EN 14347 standard is not just limited to a formality requirement. Manufacturers can make sure their products are efficient in inhibiting the revival of the bacterial spores by complying with EN 14347. This in turn lowers the chances of bacterial infections. For the consumers, using the products that meet this standard means trusting that the product can provide protection against harmful bacteria as advertised.

Understanding Disinfectant Product Labels with EN 14347

Key Aspects of a Disinfectant Product Label 

The main elements of disinfectant product labels with regard to EN 14347 include a number of critical components:

Bactericidal/sporicidal efficacy: This shows the product efficacy against bacteria according to EN 14347 standards.

Intended use: This is a description of the environment and industries where the product is to be applied.

Contact time: The time period for which a surface should come in contact with the disinfectant product.

Safety Information: Precautions and recommended safety measures while using the product.

Understanding these components can help consumers make better decisions regarding the hygiene products they choose for personal or professional use.

Consumer Benefits of EN 14347 Validated Products

Products that meet EN 14347 standard offer several benefits to the consumers.


  • By reading the disinfectant products labels, consumers can trust that products have been tested under rigorous conditions and have proven effectiveness against bacterial spores.


  • Following standard guidelines set by international standards, product manufacturers ensure a level of safety and reduce the risk of adverse reactions or ineffective disinfection.

Informed decisions

  • Understanding EN 14347 allows consumers to make selections based on the proven effectiveness of a product.

Tips for consumers while choosing disinfectant products

Research products

  • Make sure that products are EN 14347-compliant before purchasing them, and if you are to buy such a product, please make sure it has sporicidal activity.

Follow usage instructions

  • The effectiveness of a product depends on how correctly it is being used. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer to ensure your product is working effectively.

Check for updates

  • Regulatory standards and product formulations can change with time. Staying informed about the latest updates in product safety and efficacy can help in choosing the best products.

Role of Microbe Investigations Switzerland (MIS)

Microbe Investigations Switzerland (MIS) specialises in the assessment of disinfectants and antiseptics with stringent standards.

We offer antimicrobial efficacy testing services for products aiming to meet EN 14347 requirements. By conducting comprehensive sporicidal activity tests, we ensure that products claiming to neutralise resistant bacterial spores are rigorously evaluated for their efficacy and safety. This not only aids manufacturers in developing products that genuinely protect public health but also empowers consumers with trustworthy options in their quest for hygiene and safety.

Reach out to our experts to know more about EN 14347 testing services or to receive a quote for any related services.


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