AOAC 960.09

Germicidal and Detergent Sanitizing Action of Disinfectants

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Quick understanding of the test

AOAC 960.09 - Germicidal and Detergent Sanitizing Action of Disinfectants

AOAC 960.09 determines the minimum concentration of sanitizing chemicals required to effectively sanitize pre-cleaned, non-porous food contact surfaces.


Applicable for germicidal disinfectant products designed to sanitize pre-cleaned food contact surfaces.

Mandatory test strains

  • The test suspension is inoculated into a flask containing the test product and allowed to interact for a specified contact time.
  • The initial concentration of the microorganisms is determined by inoculating the test suspension into a flask containing a non-antiseptic buffer.
  • After contact time, the mixture is neutralized, followed by plating and incubation.
  • After incubation, the reduction in viable microorganisms is determined and compared to the control.

Turnaround Time

Typically completed in 3โ€“4 weeks.
The efficacy of the disinfectant is determined by quantifying the reduction in surviving microorganisms.

Passing criteria

The test product must demonstrate a reduction of more than 99.999% in both Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms.

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AOAC 960.09 method is employed to determine the minimum concentration of chemicals that can be used for sanitizing precleaned, nonporous food contact surfaces.

AOAC 960.09 is an EPA-specified method that is particularly applicable for dilutable sanitizers that do not utilize halogens like chlorine and  bromine.

AOAC 960.09 Test Method

  • Culture of test microorganism (gram + ve / gram -ve) are cultivated in appropriate broth and then standardized  to 1 x 10^10 cfu/ml.
  • For each microorganism, 1 ml of test suspension is inoculated into an Erlenmeyer flask containing 99 ml of test product. This is allowed to interact for the specified contact time.
  • For control test, 1 ml of test suspension is inoculated into an Erlenmeyer flask containing 99 ml of a non-antiseptic buffer to determine the initial concentration of microorganisms.
  • At the end of contact time, a small portion of (product + test suspension) is added to neutralizing solution and followed by dilution and plating to determine surviving microorganisms.
  • After the incubation period, reduction in microbes found in the test sample is compared with microbes obtained from the control sample.
  • In order to pass AOAC 960.09, the test product must be able to kill more than 99.999% of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative microorganisms.

Importance of AOAC 960.09 Test

Maintaining proper hygiene in food preparation areas is of paramount importance to ensure the quality of food products and public health safety. Food contact surfaces serve as potential reservoirs of pathogenic microorganisms due to their frequent contact with raw ingredients, utensils, and workers.

Proper sanitization of surface areas helps in reducing the number of microorganisms, subsequently minimizing the risk of foodborne illnesses. AOAC 960.09 lays down efficacy criteria and test requirements to check the efficacy of the chemical used in the food industry for sanitizing  precleaned food contact surfaces. 


At MIS, we offer AOAC 960.09 testing services to support our clients in validating the efficacy claims of their products.

Our testing facilities are equipped with cutting-edge technology which enable us to guarantee the utmost level of accuracy and precision in our test reports.

Furthermore, we also perform AOAC 961.02 efficacy test for germicidal spray products as disinfectants.

To get a quote on AOAC 960.09 test, contact our experts now.

Frequently Asked Questions

DR. Martinoz Scholtz

MIS Labs
1. What is AOAC 960.09 test?

AOAC 960.09 is a standard method used to evaluate the efficacy of (germicidal and/or bactericidal products) intended for sanitizing pre cleaned, non- porous food contact surfaces. To meet AOAC 960.09 efficacy criteria, the test product must kill >99.999% of both the gram-positive and gram-negative test microorganisms.

2. What are the Products that can be tested with AOAC 960.09 test?

AOAC 960.09 test is applicable for germicidal and disinfectant products designed for the sanitization of precleaned food contact surfaces.

3. What is the Turnaround Time for AOAC 960.09 test?

AOAC 960.09 test takes 3-4 weeks to complete.

4. On how many microbial strains can your AOAC 960.09 testing lab perform tests on?

For AOAC 960.09 testing, we customize our clients testing needs by accommodating specific stain requests. To know, check out our microbial library.

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