AOAC 961.02 (2009)

Efficacy test for germicidal spray products as disinfectants

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Quick understanding of the test

AOAC 961.02 (2009) - Efficacy test for germicidal spray products as disinfectants

To evaluate the germicidal efficacy of spray disinfectants on hard, non-porous surfaces.


Applicable to products such as trigger sprays and aerosol disinfectants.

Mandatory test strains

  • Test carriers are inoculated with microbial inoculum and dried.
  • The disinfectant spray is applied to the dried carriers, incubated for a specific contact period.
  •  Carriers are transferred to neutralizing solutions.
  • Viable microorganisms are quantified by plating the neutralizing extract, ensuring complete disinfection is achieved.

Turnaround Time

It typically takes 1-2 weeks.
Results are expressed as complete disinfection or the absence of viable microorganisms on treated surfaces.

Passing criteria

To pass a test, the product should demonstrate a complete disinfection (no detectable growth of the target microorganism).

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AOAC 961.02  provides test procedure to determine the germicidal efficacy of liquid disinfectants on hard, non-porous surfaces. This test is applicable for trigger sprays and aerosols disinfectants.

AOAC 961.02 Test Method

  • Microscope slides of size  18 x 36 mm ( referred as test carriers) are placed in petri plates.
  • Microbial inoculum is spread onto test carriers and is allowed to dry out.
  • Few inoculated test careers are enumerated to know initial microbial concentration. 
  • Product samples are sprayed over remaining dried inoculated slides. These slides are further incubated for specific contact period time.
  • At the end of contact period, slides are transferred to individual containers containing neutralizing solutions.
  • Neutralizing extract is plated and inculcated to determine viable microorganisms.
  • To pass AOAC 961.02 test,  there should be complete disinfection on test career surfaces.

Importance of AOAC 961.02 Test

Disinfectant sprays are very effective to kill most germs (bacteria, viruses, and other microbes) in a short time period. But, before such products reach the end users, it is pivotal to check the efficacy claims using  AOAC 961.02 standard. This standard method is also accepted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).


Microbe Investigations provides efficacy testing for germicidal disinfectant sprays products  by using AOAC 961.02.  

We design and perform testing protocols according to international standards and provide precise and accurate results to clients. While doing microbiological analysis of products, we ensure to include specified and emerging pathogens as test microorganisms.

Also, we also perform AOAC use dilution tests to measure the antimicrobial efficacy of liquid disinfectants on inanimate surfaces.

Need further assistance on AOAC 961.02 germicidal spray test, contact with our experts now.

Frequently Asked Questions

DR. Martinoz Scholtz

MIS Labs
1. What is AOAC 961.02 test?

AOAC 961.02 standard is designed to assess germicidal efficacy of spray disinfectants intended to be used on inanimate, non-porous surfaces.

2. What are the Products that can be tested with AOAC 961.02 test?

AOAC 961.02 germicidal spray test is applicable for disinfectant products which do not require dilution. Products that can be tested with AOAC 961.02 test include trigger sprays and aerosols disinfectants.

3. What is the Turnaround Time for AOAC 961.02 test?

AOAC 961.02 test takes 1-2 weeks to complete.

4. On how many microbial strains can your AOAC 961.02 testing lab perform tests on?

At Microbe Investigations, we test for AOAC 961.02 using the following bacterial and fungal strains: Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 15442), Escherichia coli (ATCC 8739), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538P), Enterococcus hirae (ATCC 10541), Klebsiella pneumoniae (ATCC 4352), MRSA (ATCC 33591), Salmonella enterica (ATCC 10708), Aspergillus niger (ATCC-16888), Candida Albicans (MTCC 3017).

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