Why test your product as per the EN 14347 standard guidelines!

EN 14347 standard guidlines provide the procedure to test the sporicidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. It is designed for testing of disinfectant products to check whether these products can effectively kill dormant bacterial spores which are known for their resilience and potential to cause infections under favorable conditions.

The importance of EN 14347 standard guidelines

In Europe,  EN 14347 Standard is a guideline for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics for evaluating their sporicidal activity. This has a big impact on public health, making it important for products that eliminate tough bacterial spores to be both effective and trustworthy. This standard shows how well disinfectants work to prevent infections and also is essential for sustaining hygiene and safety.

Origin of EN 14347 Standard

Developed by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), this standard provides a thorough protocol for evaluating the sporicidal efficacy of disinfectants across various industries including human medicine, veterinary, food, industrial, domestic areas, and more.

Mandatory strains and test procedure as per EN 14347 standard guidelines

The test recommends the use of bacterial spores of Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus cereus as mandatory test organisms. The procedure involves challenging disinfectants with these spores for a defined period and measuring the reduction in viable spore count thereby determining the product’s sporicidal activity.

EN 14347 standard is not just a regulatory requirement but also essential for disinfectant products to prove and validate their efficiency against bacterial spores. Below are a few key reasons why testing the product using EN 14347 is crucial

EN 14347 standard certification for sporicidal disinfectant products 

  • Validation of efficacy – The testing confirms that the disinfectant can effectively kill bacteria providing a solid foundation for the product’s claims of microbial control.
  • Regulatory compliance – In many regions having this certification is a regulatory requirement for entering the market. It shows adherence to specific safety and performance standards.
  • Market trust – EN 14347 standard can increase the marketability of a disinfectant significantly and thus improve the market trust in the product.
  • Competitive advantage – In a market flooded with numerous products having a recognized claim like EN 14347 testing can differentiate your product from competitors offering a competitive advantage.
  • Assurance of quality – EN 14347 standard serves as proof of the quality of products and their effectiveness which is very important for gaining consumers’ trust and for maintaining public health and safety.

Microbial Investigations Switzerland (MIS) leads the way in guiding manufacturers through the complex process of EN 14347 testing. Equipped with cutting-edge facilities and a deep understanding of microbial testing, MIS plays a crucial role in helping products not only to fulfill but also to exceed the rigorous criteria established by these standards.

At MIS, we offer a comprehensive range of disinfectant testing services, tailored to both standard and customized client needs.

Our expertise extends to testing all varieties of textile finishes, coatings, and disinfectant products. Through our rigorous approach to microbiological analysis, we are committed to improving service quality, reducing turnaround times, and optimizing costs for our clients.

Reach out to our specialists today to reserve your testing appointment for EN 14347.


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