person using disinfectant to clean an area

In Europe, chemical disinfectants and antiseptic products are governed by regulatory authorities. Prior to market release, products need to undergo stringent testing for their antiviral efficacy.

EN 14476 Test certification ensures that disinfectant products meet efficacy criteria set by European Standardisation Organizations.

Understanding EN 14476 Certification:

EN 14476 is the standard, established by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN), which specifies the test conditions, efficacy criteria, and test procedure to determine if a given product is capable of inactivating targeted viruses.

EN 14476 standards include both enveloped (vaccinia virus) and non-enveloped viruses (Poliovirus, Adenovirus, and Murine Norovirus). It assures that the products are effective against a broad spectrum of viruses.

EN14476 certification is important for disinfectant products meant to be used for disinfection in healthcare settings. Products to be tested may include hand sanitizers, surface disinfectants, and other antiseptic products.

Steps to get EN 14476 certifications for antiviral disinfectant products –

Below is a step-by-step procedure to get certification for your disinfectant products.

Step 1: Understand Standard Requirements

A thorough understanding of the requirements and specific criteria for EN 14476 certification is important. This includes detailed information on target viruses, test methods, intended application areas, and minimum passing criteria.

The product manufacturer should be well versed with this information and have clarity if their developed product falls within the scope of testing specified by EN 14476 standard.

Step 2: Find a Certified Laboratory for Testing

The next crucial step is to find an ISO 17025-certified laboratory that is competent for testing the virucidal efficacy of the intended product as per EN 14476 standard. In simple words, choosing the right lab ensures the accuracy and reliability of results.

Step 3: Submit Documentation

Once the product meets the passing criteria, test reports and other product-related documents should be compiled and submitted to a certification body that deals with EN14476 standards. Documentation includes test results, product formulations, safety data sheets, and any other relevant information.

Step 4: Certification Audit (if applicable)

Some products may require a certification audit. As a part of the process, the certifying body will review the product, the manufacturing process, and the test data reports to ensure full compliance with EN 14476 standards.

Step 5: Receive Certification and Maintain Compliance

Upon successful audit and review, the product is ready for EN 14476 certification.

Importance of EN 14476 certification

EN 14476 certification is not only important for product compliance but it also sets a hallmark for high-quality products that guarantee public health safety against viral threats. Disinfectants containing antiviral agents and having EN 14476 certification are of great use for sanitation to prevent and avoid the spread of viral infections in hospitals and healthcare settings which are supposed to be big reservoirs for viral infections.

Products with EN certification set a competitive edge in the market for safety and reliability.

At MIS, we offer an extensive range of testing services for antiviral disinfectant products. In addition to EN 14476, we perform other tests also such as EN 16777, EN 14675, EN 17111, EN 17122, etc for antiviral disinfectants.

Our virologists thoroughly comprehend the testing requirements of our clients before executing test analysis. Our testing facilities are well-equipped with modern equipment and latest technologies, enabling us to provide reliable and reproducible results.

Looking for EN 14476 testing of your products, please contact our experts here for more details regarding antiviral efficacy tests of your products.

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