BS EN 13623:2020

Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity against Legionella for aqueous systems (phase 2, step 1)

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Quick understanding of the test

BS EN 13623:2020 - Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of bactericidal activity against Legionella for aqueous systems (phase 2, step 1)

To evaluate the bactericidal efficacy of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics against Legionella pneumophila in aqueous systems.


Applicable for products used for disinfecting water in cooling towers and other artificial water systems like spas and pools.
  • Product samples are diluted and mixed with the test suspension and interfering substance.
  • The mixture is incubated for a specified contact time at specific conditions.
  • After contact time, the mixture is neutralized using neutralizing solution.
  • The recovered solution is plated and incubated to enumerate the number of viable microorganisms. 

Turnaround Time

Approximately 2โ€“3 weeks.
The efficacy of the disinfectant is determined by measuring the log reduction in viable microorganisms.

Passing criteria

A 4-log reduction in viable microbial counts is required to meet the EN 13623 standard.

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EN 13623 is designed for chemical disinfectants/ antiseptics intended to be used in aqueous systems to eliminate Legionella pneumophila.

EN 13623 standard is applicable to products formulated for one time shock treatment to kill Legionella pneumophila. This method is suitable for disinfection of water in cooling towers, spas, pools, showers and other similar applications. 

However, EN 13623 is not a method of choice for the evaluation of products that are consistently used in water systems to prevent the growth of Legionella pneumophila.

EN 13623 Test Conditions & Requirements


Obligatory test conditions


Bactericidal activity in water for general purposes

Bactericidal activity in cooling water

Additional test conditions

Test organisms

Legionella pneumophila

Legionella pneumophila

Other strains and species of Legionella can be used

Test temperature

20 ยฐC

30 ยฐC

No other

temperatures are

considered relevant

to this test

Interfering substances

0,000 5 % yeast extract

0,000 5 % yeast extract


Contact time 

60 min ( for rapid acting products)


15 h (for slower acting products)

60 min (for rapid

acting products)


15 h (for slower acting


2 h, 6 h, 15 h, 40 h, 48 h


Hard water

Buffered ferrous hard water


EN 13623 Test Method

  • Product sample is diluted with either hard water or buffered ferrous hard water as per test requirements.
  • Diluted product samples are added into the test suspension of bacteria and interfering substance.
  • The mixture is maintained at mandatory time and temperature conditions explained in table 1.
  • At the end of the contact time, an aliquot of solution is immediately neutralized to stop further reaction of the sample product.
  • The preferred technique is dilution-neutralization.  However,  if  an appropriate neutralizer is unavailable, membrane filtration can be employed instead. 
  • In the next step, the recovered solution is plated and incubated to enumerate the number of viable microorganisms. 
  • Product sample must demonstrate 4 log reduction values to meet bactericidal efficacy passing criteria outlined by EN 13623 standard. 

Importance of EN 13623 Test

Legionella outbreaks pose a significant public concern that demands urgent attention and concrete preventive measures. Such outbreaks are mainly caused by contaminated water within the water and sanitary ware systems.

This does necessitate the need for proper maintenance, disinfection, and monitoring of water systems. To effectively combat Legionella colonization in water systems, it is crucial to employ disinfectants that demonstrate bactericidal activity against Legionella pneumophila. BS EN 13623 standard outlines test requirements and performance criteria for such disinfectants to ensure their efficacy for the intended use.


At MIS, we specialize in offering antibacterial efficacy testing services for disinfectants and materials that are designed to be used in sanitary ware and water systems to kill Legionella pneumophila.

We are a team of highly experienced professionals who render EN 13623 efficacy testing services in accordance with international standards while also prioritizing the unique requirements of our customers.

Additionally,  we do have facilities to perform fungicidal or yeasticidal efficacy testing services using EN 13624 protocols.

Our constant focus is to consistently deliver reliable and responsive services to our esteemed clients.

To get a quote on EN 13623 testing services or want to know more about our services, connect with our experts today.

Frequently Asked Questions

DR. Martinoz Scholtz

MIS Labs
1. What is EN 13623 test?

BS EN 13623 is a phase 2, step 1 suspension test for antiseptics and chemical disinfectants planned to be used in water systems against Legionella pneumophila. To meet the efficacy criteria of EN 13623 test, the test product must kill microbes to a value of 4 log reduction.

2. What are the Products that can be tested with EN 13623 test?

EN 13623 test is applicable to disinfectants/antiseptic products possessing bactericidal activity against Legionella pneumophila. This standard is performed on products used for disinfecting water in cooling towers and other artificial water systems like spas, pools, showers, and more.

3. What is the Turnaround Time for EN 13623 test?

 EN 13623 test method takes 2-3 weeks to complete.

4. On how many microbial strains can your EN 13623 testing lab perform tests on?

At Microbe Investigations, we test for EN 13623 using the following strains: Legionella spp. (ATCC – 700511).

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