ASTM E2362: 2022

Evaluation of Pre-saturated or Impregnated Towelettes for Hard Surface Disinfection

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Quick understanding of the test

ASTM E2362: 2022 - Evaluation of Pre-saturated or Impregnated Towelettes for Hard Surface Disinfection

This test evaluates the antimicrobial effectiveness of pre-saturated or impregnated towelettes used for hard surface disinfection.


Applicable to pre-saturated or impregnated disinfectant wipes for hard, non-porous surfaces
  • Carrier surfaces are inoculated with test organisms, dried, and wiped with disinfectant towelettes.
  • Residual disinfectant on the carriers is neutralized, and the carriers are transferred to a subculture medium.
  • The subculture medium is incubated to assess the presence or absence of surviving microorganisms.

Turnaround Time

It typically takes 3-4 weeks.

Results are expressed as positive or negative growth of the test organism.

Passing criteria

The absence of microbial growth or turbidity after antimicrobial analysis indicates that the test substance effectively inactivated or killed the target microorganisms.

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ASTM E2362 is a  qualitative test that demonstrates the antimicrobial effectiveness of pre-saturated or impregnated towelette for the disinfection of hard surfaces. The product efficacy in this test is interpreted by observing  positive or negative growth of test microorganisms.

ASTM E2362 test conditions and requirements

  • Mandatory test microorganisms 

Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538P), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 15442), Mycobacterium bovis  and Trichophyton mentagrophytes 

  • Interfering substance   
  • For precleaned surfaces – Not required 
  •  For soiled surfaces – Fetal bovine serum or other appropriate substances based on the intended use of the test product
  • Carriers (test surfaces) –  A non-porous glass surface of 625 square mm area
  • Contact times – As per the manufacturer’s recommendations
  • Incubation period 
  1. 48 hours at 37°C ± 1°C for S. aureus and P. aeruginosa 
  2. 10 days at 27°C ± 2.5 °C for T. mentagrophytes 
  3. Between 60 and 90 days for Mycobacteria

Passing criteria – No microbial growth/ turbidity after antimicrobial analysis

ASTM E2362 Test Method

  • Microbial test suspension with the interfering substance is inoculated on carrier surfaces and allowed to dry visibly. 
  • The carrier with the dried test organism is then wiped with pre-saturated or impregnated towelettes and kept for specific contact times.
  • At the end of contact time, carriers are transferred into a neutralising solution to suppress the microbicidal activity of test substances and recover the surviving test organisms. 
  • If needed, carriers can be further transferred into a second tube containing a neutralizing solution to effectively neutralize the test substance.
  • Subculture from a second neutralising tube is added to the broth medium and incubated for specified time durations.
  • After the incubation period, the broth medium is observed to measure turbidity. The degree of turbidity in a broth culture is the measure of microbial growth.

Importance of ASTM E2362 Test

Antimicrobial towelettes are designed to make disinfectant processes easier and more convenient for end users.

Towelette (disposable disinfectant wipes) are impregnated with antimicrobial agents that kill or reduce microbial burden on inanimate hard surfaces. However, standardised in-lab qualitative and quantitative antimicrobial efficacy tests are an essential first step before the launch of towelettes. 

According to ASTM guidelines, pre-saturated or impregnated towelettes must be tested under the conditions in which they are intended to be used. The ASTM E2362 standard is available to demonstrate the antimicrobial effectiveness of such sample products.


Microbe Investigations can help you with all your ASTM E2362 testing needs.

Our specialist project managers can take complete responsibility of your project with a comprehensive suite of quality testing services aligned with international standards.

We also specialize in antimicrobial efficacy testing of textiles, paints, coatings, and cosmetics.

To get a price quote on ASTM E2362 or other queries related to our antimicrobial testing services, contact our expert today.

Frequently Asked Questions

DR. Martinoz Scholtz

MIS Labs
1. What is the ASTM E2362 test?

ASTM E2362 is a qualitative method of antimicrobial efficacy testing for pre-saturated or impregnated towelettes. This test determines whether a given sample product can kill the test microorganism under practical conditions for its intended use.

2. What Products can be tested with ASTM E2362 test?

ASTM E2362 is carried out for towelettes impregnated with antimicrobial agents. Such products are utilised for hard surface disinfection.

3. What is the Turnaround Time for the ASTM E2362 test?

Turnaround time for the ASTM E2362 test may vary depending upon incubation periods for bacterial and fungal strains. ASTM E2362 test typically takes 3-4 weeks to complete except for mycobacteria, which can have an incubation period between 60 and 90 days.

4. On how many (microbial strains) can your ASTM E2362 testing lab perform tests on?

At Microbe Investigations, we test for ASTM E2362 using the following microbial strains: Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 6538P), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 15442), Mycobacterium bovis, and Trichophyton mentagrophytes.

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