EN 14347: Testing Standard for Enhancing Safety in the Food Industry

It is important to maintain high standards of safety and hygiene in food industries. This not only ensures the well-being of consumers but also helps in maintaining the integrity of food businesses. One important factor for food safety is the control of bacterial spore contamination on hard surfaces that are used to handle food materials. EN 14347 is a standard that plays an important role in analyzing the effectiveness of sporicidal disinfectants made for application in food industries to effectively manage the risk of food contamination. 

Bacterial spores 

Bacterial spores are resilient and dormant forms of bacteria that can survive in harsh conditions. They can reside on various surfaces within food processing environments causing a significant contamination risk. When conditions become favorable, these spores germinate leading to bacterial growth and potential contamination of food products.

Risks caused by bacterial spores

Bacterial spores are one of the major concerns in the food industry as it can withstand cooking and can cause bacterial contamination in the final product leading to food poisoning. Eating contaminated food can cause severe gastrointestinal problems affecting personal health, in addition to  damaging the reputation and consumer trust of the relevant food industry.


The following measures are taken to prevent contamination from bacterial spores

  • Clean surfaces regularly using disinfectants certified as per international standards like EN14347
  • Practice safe and proper food handling
  • Employ potent sporicidal agents.
  • Regular monitoring and testing for bacterial spores in food processing environments are essential. It helps in early detection and effective management of potential contamination risks safeguarding the quality and safety of food products.

Hard surface contamination and the importance of disinfection

In food processing areas, hard surfaces like countertops, equipment, and tools are in constant contact with food. These surfaces can become breeding grounds for bacterial spores if not properly sanitized. The risk of contamination increases when there is moisture and organic material present on the surface which facilitates the germination and proliferation of spores. 

To prevent such contamination, using the right disinfectants is essential. Not all disinfectants are effective against bacterial spores, therefore, selecting an appropriate product is crucial. 

The role of EN 14347 testing in the food industry for disinfection

Analyzing the efficacy 

EN 14347 specifies the criteria for testing the disinfectants that are intended to be used for inactivating the bacterial spores. EN 14347 certification ensures that disinfectants are capable of ensuring a safer food processing environment. This certification is essential to confirm that the disinfectants have been thoroughly tested and proven effective under standardized conditions.

Compliance with regulatory standards

EN 14347 certification for disinfectants not only ensures efficacy but also helps in compliance with food safety regulations. Regulatory bodies often require proof that the disinfectants used in food processing areas are effective and meet specific standards. EN 14347 test reports act as evidence for such compliance which is essential for the product’s marketability.

Consumer trust

Use of disinfectants tested as per EN 14347 standard can enhance consumer trust in food products. It shows a commitment to maintaining high hygiene standards thereby strengthening consumer confidence in the safety of the food products.

Microbial Investigations Switzerland (MIS) provides specialized testing and validation services enabling the manufacturers to meet rigorous quality standards. As the food industry progresses and encounters new challenges, commitment to following EN 14347 standards and partnerships with organizations like MIS become crucial in protecting global consumer health. 

Microbe Investigations (MIS) has advanced equipment and facilities utilizing cutting-edge technology to conduct various microbial tests such as EN 14347.

For further details on our testing services, please contact our specialists. Our commitment lies in delivering outstanding customer service and support making sure that our testing analyses align with your requirements and expectations.

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