Surgical scrub testing services

With thorough testing, we make sure your products meet the highest industry standards.

Exploring Surgical Scrub Testing Services: Ensuring Quality and Safety

Infection control in the healthcare setting, particularly in a surgical environment, must always be placed as a top priority because sterile conditions guarantee the safety of patients involved. Surgical scrubs, which include antiseptic handwashes and handrubs, are a critical means of reducing the risk of infection during surgery. Such products can only become successful if they meet high standards in terms of efficacy and safety against microbial sources. In simple terms, surgical scrub testing services are meant to test the functionality of these products and ensure they perform well in restricting harmful microorganisms. We discuss the various types of surgical scrubs, common testing methods and benefits of professional testing services.

Introduction to surgical scrub testing services

Surgical scrubs are specially formulated antiseptic washes and rubs utilized by healthcare professionals to sterilize their hands prior to surgical procedures. Such products play a key role in preventing the spread of diseases and transmission of postoperative infections. Being used in highly risky environments, such scrubs must undergo rigorous testing for antimicrobial validation.

By investing in professional surgical scrub testing services, manufacturers can ensure that their surgical scrubs meet the stringent regulatory standards required for use in healthcare settings, thus providing healthcare professionals and patients with the highest level of protection.

Types of surgical scrubs

There are several types of surgical scrubs available on the market, each designed for different purposes and with varying levels of antimicrobial activity. The most common types of surgical scrubs include:

  • Alcohol-based surgical scrubs
    Ethyl alcohol is the most common ingredient in the surgical field due to rapid and broad-spectrum activity, although scrubs are formulated using ethanol or isopropanol. It has an ability to act against most of the microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Ethanol and isopropanol evaporate quickly and provide instant disinfection without rinsing.

  • Chlorhexidine-based surgical scrubs
    Chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) is a powerful antimicrobial agent with a proven prolonged activity against microorganisms. Unlike alcohol scrubs, chlorhexidine-based products offer residual activity in killing and inhibiting pathogens long after the application time. This factor favors these products where extended protection is needed for surgical procedures.

  • Povidone-iodine scrubs
    Another antiseptic agent used broadly in surgical scrubs is povidone-iodine. It acts as a slow liberator of iodine, which contributes to the breakage of cellular structure of bacteria resulting in fast death. Povidone-iodine scrubs are very effective against bacteria, fungi, and viruses, so they can be applied widely in all surgical procedures.

  • Triclosan-based surgical scrubs
    Triclosan is an antimicrobial agent used in healthcare products for several decades. Triclosan surgical scrubs have great activity toward gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. However, its environmental impact and its potential to contribute to antibiotic resistance, hence limiting its use.

Benefits of professional testing services for surgical scrubs

Professional surgical scrub testing services will ensure the following benefits to manufacturers, healthcare providers, and end-users. Some of the key benefits include:

  1. Regulatory compliance
    Preoperative surgical scrubs have to achieve a plethora of regulatory standards before they are permitted into healthcare settings. These include the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the European Medicine Agency (EMA), and other global regulatory stipulations. Professional surgical scrub testing services allow manufacturers to ensure compliance with these requirements. This is an important factor when gaining approval for selling surgical scrubs in the healthcare setting, which carries top importance in infection control.

  2. Product safety and efficacy
    Professional testing services test surgical scrubs under controlled conditions, so the manufacturer can be sure that the scrubs produced reduce microbial contamination extensively without causing irritation or sensitization of the skin. Evidence of such will protect healthcare professionals who rely on such products to ensure they preserve sterility in a surgical setting

  3. Validation of product claims
    Manufacturers claim their surgical scrubs as “kills 99.9% of germs” or “long-lasting protection.” Professional surgical scrub testing services give the data needed to support those claims. It not only shows manufacturers are on par with regulations, but also gives consumers peace of mind knowing the product works as it is advertised.

  4. Competitive advantage
    Professional testing services are thus going to help manufacturers show a difference over their competition for superior efficacy and safety of their surgical scrubs. In industries such as healthcare, pharmaceuticals, and food processing where infection control is the most critical, this may give manufacturers an upper hand.

  5. Continuous product improvement
    Professional surgical scrub testing services would be used to provide valuable input on the surgical scrub’s performance. In case a product in question fails, then data collected during the testing might serve to influence changes in the formulation by the manufacturer. It will assist in evaluating company products and meeting the changing needs of healthcare providers, as well as regulatory standards.

Conclusion: Elevating surgical scrubs quality with testing services

Surgical scrub testing services are necessary to confirm whether the products meet the highest standards of antimicrobial efficacy and safety. Based on well-established methods for testing, manufacturers may validate a claim, achieve regulatory approval, and earn consumer confidence using methods such as ASTM E1115 or ASTM E2315. Testing surgical scrubs ensures effective protection against harmful microbes in high-risk areas and boosts consumer confidence.

For companies looking for testing services to maximize the quality of their surgical scrubs, Microbe Investigations Switzerland (MIS) offers comprehensive testing services. Contact MIS today and find out how its testing services can make your product perform better and comply better.

Common testing methods for surgical scrubs

ASTM E2315 is a standard that is important in the healthcare facility and also in maintaining public health safety. It helps in the evaluation of formulation with antimicrobial agents as it gives a standard procedure to measure the rate of kill of the microbes.
ASTM E1115 is used to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of surgical hand scrubs over an extended period of use. This test simulates conditions in which healthcare professionals wash their hands multiple times during a work shift. It assesses how well the product continues to reduce microorganisms after repeated applications, making it ideal for evaluating products that provide residual protection.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is textile testing?
Textile testing is the process of assessing the physical, mechanical and chemical properties of textiles in addition to performance testing, colorfastness testing and antimicrobial efficacy testing. This ensures that they meet specified standards and quality criteria.
Why is textile or fabric testing important?
Textile testing is important to ensure the quality and safety of textile products. It helps manufacturers meet industry standards, regulatory requirements and customer expectations.
How does antimicrobial clothing work?
Antimicrobial clothing is designed to inhibit the growth of microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and viruses by incorporating antimicrobial agents into the fabric.
What is antimicrobial clothing?
Antimicrobial clothing refers to garments that have been treated with antimicrobial agents to reduce or eliminate the presence of microorganisms.
What are the common industry standards for textile testing labs?
Textile testing labs generally adhere to some of the common industry standards such as ASTM, ISO, AATCC and British Standards.

Ready to test your product?

Microbe Investigations Switzerland