
Strategies for Management of H5N2 Virus

Strategies for Management of H5N2 Virus

The H5N2 virus has wreaked havoc across poultry farms around the world, impacting not only animal health but also posing a risk to farmers’ livelihoods and food supplies. Capable of

West Nile Virus: Overview and Safety Tips

Imagine a tiny, invisible threat carried by mosquitoes that has the potential to make people very sick. West Nile Virus is one such threat. Originating in Africa, the virus has

Assessing the Risk Level of Bird Flu

Assessing the Risk Level of Bird Flu

Bird flu, also known as avian influenza, continues to pose threat to both humans and animals. The bird flu strains have raised concern in medical and scientific circles because firstly,

Why 4 Log Reduction is Mandatory for EN 14476

Why 4 Log Reduction is Mandatory for EN 14476

EN 14476 is one of the critical standards that needs to be followed for evaluating the activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics against viruses. This standard is accepted throughout Europe

H5N2 Bird Flu Confirmed in Mexico After Man Dies, WHO Says

H5N2 Bird Flu Confirmed in Mexico

The WHO (World Health Organization) had recently reported a fatal case of human infection due to H5N2 bird flu infection in Mexico. This report from WHO raised concerns among researchers

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