Mosquito landing rate analysis is essential in the development of effective mosquito repellents. Mosquito repellents are crucial for reducing human exposure to mosquito bites and the diseases they transmit. Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance but also vectors for serious diseases such as malaria, dengue, Zika and chikungunya. 

Here, we talk about mosquito landing rate analysis, its importance and how effective the repellent is. Knowledge of the testing process, the impact of mosquito landing rate, and test methods is necessary for companies to validate their mosquito repellent products.

What is mosquito landing rate analysis?

Analyzing the rate of landing mosquitoes is a quantitative measure of testing the efficacy of mosquito repellents through the comparison of attempts made by mosquitoes to land on a treated surface versus a corresponding untreated control. Basically, it seeks to quantify the repelling impact exerted by a repellent on mosquitoes.

The landing rate of mosquitoes is analyzed by exposing volunteers or test surfaces (such as artificial skin or traps) to mosquitoes under controlled conditions. The number of mosquitoes that land on the treated surface over a specific time period is recorded and compared to a control group that is either untreated or treated with a different product.

For the test, the mosquitoes used are either laboratory-bred or caught from natural habitats. Unlike bite rate analysis, the landing rate analysis measures landings instead of actual bites. Since the mosquito needs to land on skin before biting, a measure of landings provides an early indication of repellent effectiveness independent of bites having occurred.

Mosquito landing rate analysis can be performed in two main settings:

  • Field studies: Field studies make use of the condition of the outdoors where mosquitoes thrive in a natural way. These studies are usually used to experiment with living conditions that imitate real-life situations.
  • Laboratory studies: Through more controlled environments like mosquito cages or wind tunnels, one should ensure that there is consistency in mosquito population and environmental conditions.

Why mosquito landing rate analysis is important

Analyzing the rate of landing mosquitoes is crucial for several reasons, particularly in the context of public health, product development and consumer safety:

1. Measuring efficacy: This analysis provides direct measurement of how effectively the repellent prevents mosquitoes from landing, an important precursor of biting. If mosquitoes land less on treated skin, then the result confirms that the repellent works by deterring them.

2. Early detection of mosquito attraction: As landing precedes biting, it is an alternative and efficient way to test the efficacy of a repellent without having to wait for the bite to happen. Early detection will be crucial in some environments where every mosquito bite is critical in the prevention of mosquito-borne diseases.

3. Regulatory compliance: Many regulatory agencies have standardized testing methods for the validation of claims from repellent manufacturers regarding their product’s performance. This includes analyzing the rate of landing mosquitoes, which is correlated with product performance and accurately reflected on labels.

How effective is mosquito landing rate analysis?

Analysis of the rate of mosquitoes landing is a method recognized for checking effectiveness of mosquito repellent in the real-world condition, offering quantifiable and qualitative data on a product’s effectiveness.

1. Accuracy: Direct observation of mosquito behavior can assure a high degree of accuracy because the number of landings can reflect how well the product can protect from mosquito bites.

2. Adaptability: This technique gives access to adapt to several types of products, like topical repellents and treated clothing, spatial repellents and even insecticide-treated materials like bed nets. Whether in the actual laboratory setup or in actual application in the field, there is a need to analyze the rate of mosquitoes landing for evaluation of the said product’s efficacy in other settings.

The analysis provides clear, measurable data points allowing detailed comparison of different repellent formulations. The number of landings per unit of time can be used to calculate protection time and efficacy rate:

  • Protection time: This is when the repellent will still work to prevent the mosquitoes from landing. For instance, if a repellent has a protection time of six hours, it means that it will actually prevent landings for that number of hours.
  • Efficacy rate: This is usually expressed in terms of the percentage that illustrates the proportion mosquitoes landing compared to the controls. Therefore, a 90% efficacy rate refers to the ability of the product to curb the landing of mosquitoes by 90% compared to that of the control.

What impact does mosquito landing rate analysis hold on mosquito repellents?

It is highly important to analyze the effect of the rate of landing mosquitoes in terms of development and marketing of repellents. Its essential contribution takes place primarily within product development, consumer safety and regulatory approval.

1. Product development: A better understanding of the effectiveness of a repellent in keeping mosquitoes from landing on humans allows manufacturers to further formulate the product. Poor-performing products can be reformulated to improve efficacy and good-performing products can be optimized for longer-lasting protection or even a better performance of the whole product.

2. Marketing and consumer trust: Products that have been proven to work based on performance in affecting the landing rate of mosquitoes can be marketed with greater confidence. Being able to make claims that a product was subjected to serious testing generates consumer confidence and separates effective products from those that only make claims but do not live up to them.

3. Regulatory requirements: In the United States, for instance, most regulatory agencies such as the EPA demand empirical evidence that a repellent is effective before they approve it to be sold. Analyzing the rate of landing mosquitoes provides the type of hard evidence that regulators require to ensure that a product meets both safety and efficacy standards.

Test methods that involve mosquito landing rate analysis

For landing rate analysis, standardized test methods are used to ensure the data is consistent and accurate across studies. Laboratory and field tests are carried out under varying aspects that reveal the performance of the product.

1. Arm-in-cage test: One of the common laboratory methods where one of the test subject’s arms is put in the cage with the mosquitoes. The number of mosquitoes landing on the treated arm (with repellent) compared with the untreated arm is then recorded at specific intervals. It is a controlled technique for testing a repellent.

2. Field studies: Field tests are performed in natural settings where mosquitoes are prevalent. Test subjects apply the repellent and are exposed to areas infested with mosquitoes. Landings are counted in real-time. Field tests provide great insights into how a repellent would function in real-life conditions.

3. Tunnel testing: In this experiment, a subject or a mannequin is placed inside a tunnel where mosquitoes are released. The wind condition mimics open-air environment and the landing rate is determined. According to that, wind tunnels enable researchers to have a quality control of factors such as wind speed, temperature and humidity, thus allowing a full understanding of why and how some repellents function well under dynamic environments.

How do the results of the mosquito landing rate analysis improve the efficacy of mosquito repellents?

The marketing, labeling and development of the repellent products are directly influenced by the results of landing rate of mosquito analysis. Companies base the majority of the claims on lifespan, effectiveness and safety of the product on outcomes from these analyses and make sure the public is made aware of the performance of the product they are using.

1. Product labeling: The landing rate analysis provides the necessary data to support effective labeling of products with claims such as “effective for up to eight hours” or “repels 95% of mosquitoes.” Without these measurable results, companies would be unable to support their product claims.

2. Product development: Manufacturers might be returned to the development stage to revamp the formulation, concentration or the method of delivery of the product in order to rectify a product with poor landing rate. Improvement is crucial to remain competitive in the repellent market.

3. Regulatory approval: In many countries, regulatory agencies require mosquito landing rate analysis before selling repellents. A manufacturer gets approval from several regional markets to sell their repellents by ensuring that their products meet fixed efficacy thresholds, mainly in countries where diseases caused by mosquitoes are dominating.


Landing rate analysis of mosquitoes provides direct information regarding the effectiveness of mosquito repellents, in the sense that a product prevents landing on treated skin or surfaces. Such studies are therefore performed under controlled laboratory and field conditions in order to gain more information about performance and allow manufacturers to refine their products in order to meet standards of the regulatory authorities as well as customer expectations.

For companies looking to ensure the highest standards in mosquito repellent testing, Microbe Investigations Switzerland (MIS) offers specialized testing services tailored to your needs. Contact MIS today to learn how our expert testing solutions can help you validate your products and bring them to market with confidence.


What is mosquito landing rate analysis and why is it important for repellent testing?

The analysis is the count of how many mosquitoes land on a treated surface versus an untreated surface in real conditions to test the efficacy of repellents.

How is mosquito landing rate analysis conducted in repellent testing?

It refers to the method used in repellent testing by exposing mosquitoes to treated and untreated surfaces, whether human skin or artificial and then recording the number of landed mosquitoes within a controlled time frame.

Are there specific standards or guidelines for conducting mosquito landing rate analysis in repellent testing?

Yes, the US Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) provides specific guidelines for conducting mosquito landing rate analysis in repellent testing among various international agencies to offer structured and replicable efficacy testing for repellents.

How does mosquito landing rate analysis complement other repellent testing methods?

It provides direct observational information associated with the mosquito’s behavior, supplementing chemical assays or laboratory tests by giving a glimpse of actual effectiveness against repellency under practical conditions.

Can mosquito landing rate analysis be used for testing different types of repellents, such as natural and chemical ones?

Yes, this method can be applied to assess the efficacy of both natural and chemical repellents on mosquitoes by monitoring their ability to inhibit mosquito landings.

Is mosquito landing rate analysis suitable for both indoor and outdoor repellent testing?

Yes, the analysis of the rate of landing mosquitoesis flexible and can be carried out both in a laboratory indoors and also outdoors in the field as a means to determine the performance of repellents.

What factors can influence mosquito landing rates in repellent testing?

Factors include temperature and humidity, species of mosquito, concentration of active ingredients, environment and indoor versus outdoor, among others, for repellent testing.

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