Mosquito-borne diseases such as malaria, dengue, Zika, and chikungunya are increasingly leading to global health threats, so mosquito repellents play a crucial role against these diseases. Testing the efficacy of mosquito repellents is crucial in ensuring that these products protect users against mosquito-borne diseases. Mosquito repellent efficacy testing methods offer an equal opportunity to assess how effective a repellent would be in controlled conditions that mimic real-world situations. With a continuously rising demand for natural and chemical repellents, testing methods are necessary to validate the effectiveness of mosquito repellent.

Significance of  Efficacy Testing

Protection of Public Health: Mosquitoes are vectors of serious diseases like malaria, dengue, and Zika. Efficacy testing ensures that repellents protect from bites so the chance of disease transmission can be reduced.

Product Reliability: Testing will confirm whether a mosquito repellent lives up to its claims and protects consumers from mosquitoes, thereby not putting their lives at risk through ineffective products.

Consumer Confidence: Since the effectiveness of a mosquito repellent is ascertained, efficacy testing boosts consumer confidence to use the product for personal protection.

Different Mosquito Repellent Efficacy Testing Methods

There are several standardized testing methods used to assess the efficacy of mosquito repellents:

Arm In Cage Test

The arm-in-cage test is the most widely used method in mosquito repellent efficacy testing methods for determining a mosquito repellent’s efficiency. In the Arm-in-Cage test, a subject’s arm is exposed to mosquitoes in a controlled environment; the environment is usually maintained in a cage that contains a specified amount of mosquitoes. One arm is treated with the repellent while the other is kept without the repellent but serves as a control. The test measures the number of mosquito landings or bites on both arms over a specified time, providing information on the effectiveness of repellent in preventing contact with mosquitoes.

It is highly reliable in determining short-term repellency because the interactions between mosquitoes and repellents in this laboratory-based approach closely mimic real-world interactions. This test is sometimes used by regulatory agencies as well as manufacturers to validate claims regarding the protection period or duration and effectiveness of a repellent.

Olfactometer Test

The olfactometer test is a test for measuring the efficacy of mosquito repellents by testing the reaction of mosquitoes to odors. Test mosquitoes are exposed to air streams containing different scents, including human odor without and with repellent. Their responses, either in terms of attraction or avoidance, are observed. This method evaluates how a repellent interferes with the mosquito’s ability to detect the human host.

Tunnel Test

Another method used in Mosquito Repellent Efficacy Tests is the tunnel test. The tunnel test for mosquito repellents is the test method used in the determination of the efficacy of mosquito repellent. The test is based on mosquito mortality and blood-feeding success. This test aids development of effective repellents, thereby fighting against mosquito-borne diseases.

The tunnel test provides a realistic yet controlled assessment of the efficacy of mosquito repellent. Testing, therefore, is a must for the manufacturers to meet the desired performance standards of their products. In addition to this, testing ensures that repellent-treated materials prevent the mosquitoes carrying disease-causing agents, such as malaria and dengue, from transmitting diseases, which makes them contribute to public health.

Room Test

The room test is the most widely accepted method  in Mosquito Repellent Efficacy Testing standards that involves assessment in a controlled, enclosed space that closely approaches real-life conditions for testing the effectiveness of repellents against mosquitoes. For this test, a prescribed number of mosquitoes are released into a room, and volunteers are brought in and treated with either an experimental repellent or left untreated for comparison. The test estimates the number of mosquito landing or biting actions during a fixed time period. Thus, it can give data regarding the activity of mosquitoes and the efficacy of repellents.

It is, therefore, an important method in mosquito repellent efficacy testing methods  to assess long-term protection and performance in conditions closer to the real-world environment and discuss how well a repellent can function in ordinary indoor and outdoor conditions. Manufacturers also use it to verify claims with respect to the duration and overall efficacy of their products.

Real-world Testing Methods

  • Field Trials: It is applied under natural populations of mosquitoes in forests, residential areas, or farms. Volunteers apply the repellent, and the researchers follow mosquito landings or bites over a stated time. The method gives an account of how repellents would function differently in climatic conditions and against other forms of mosquitoes.
  • Human Landing Counts (HLC): Volunteers sit in outdoor areas where mosquitoes are known to be present and count the number of mosquitoes attempting to land on exposed skin. Volunteers applying repellent are side by side with their identical, non-repellent-treated counterparts so that the relative attractiveness of the treated subjects can be directly compared against controls.

Importance of Accredited Laboratory in Testing

  • Regulatory Compliance: The tests comply with appropriate safety and legal requirements, ensuring adherence to mosquito repellent efficacy testing standards
  • Accuracy and Reliability: Tests run by accredited laboratories ensure the high accuracy of the results.
  • Independent Validation: Accreditation increases the credibility of results by enhancing independent verification of testing processes.
  • Global Acceptance: Results coming from approved laboratories are recognized worldwide, thus easier registration of the product and smoother entry into markets.


Mosquito repellents, therefore, need to be tested extensively with standardized testing procedures to ensure their efficacy in protecting against mosquitoes and diseases caused by them.  Mosquito repellent efficacy testing methods such as  Arm In Cage, Olfactometer Test, Tunnel Test, Room Test, and real-world testing provide enough insight into how a given repellent will perform under different conditions. 

At MIS, we offer a comprehensive range of entomology testing services for mosquito repellents. Our well-equipped lab and expert entomologists ensure high-quality assessments and analyses. Contact us today to learn more about our mosquito repellent efficacy testing methods.

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