August 23, 2024

Understanding EN 13727: A Key Standard for Evaluating Bactericidal Activity of Chemical Disinfectants Used in the Healthcare Sector

Understanding EN 13727: A Key Standard for Evaluating Bactericidal Activity of Chemical Disinfectants Used in the Healthcare Sector

Ensuring the efficacy of disinfectants and antiseptics used in the healthcare industry is important to prevent the spread of harmful bacteria. Amongst the many standards developed for the evaluation of bactericidal activity, EN 13727 for bactericidal products has become one of the cornerstones for the efficacy assessment of chemical disinfectants in healthcare institutions. This standard […]

Understanding EN 13727: A Key Standard for Evaluating Bactericidal Activity of Chemical Disinfectants Used in the Healthcare Sector Read More »

Why is Efficacy Testing for Insecticides Crucial to Ensuring Effective Aedes Mosquito Control?

Why is Efficacy Testing for Insecticides Crucial to Ensuring Effective Aedes Mosquito Control?

What if those insecticides that kept mosquitoes in their place just stopped working? With Aedes mosquitoes transmitting hazardous diseases like dengue and Zika more widely than ever, ensuring that the chemicals effectively do their job has become more critical than ever. This battle against tiny but deadly vectors is becoming complex. Just applying an insecticide

Why is Efficacy Testing for Insecticides Crucial to Ensuring Effective Aedes Mosquito Control? Read More »

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