June 3, 2024

EN 14476 Testing for Surface Disinfectants

EN 14476 Testing for Surface Disinfectants

Surface disinfectants help maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of infectious diseases. EN 14476, an internationally recognized standard is used for evaluating the virucidal efficacy of surface disinfectants. This article discusses the importance of antiviral testing for disinfectants and the impacts of EN 14476 on product development and consumer safety. What is EN 14476? EN

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EN14476 Certification for Hand Hygiene Products

EN 14476 Certification for Hand Hygiene Products

With the emergence of novel pathogenic microorganisms such as the SARS-CoV-2 which was responsible for the pandemic, the importance of using effective hand hygiene products has gained immense attention. Hand hygiene products such as hand sanitizers play an important role in preventing the spread of infections. However, the efficacy of these products must be tested

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The Role of EN 14476-Compliant Products in the Sanitization of Medical Areas

The Role of EN 14476-Compliant Products in the Sanitization of Medical Areas

Proper sanitization in medical areas is important for ensuring a healthy space for the patients and healthcare staff. It helps to reduce the spread of infectious diseases, especially among immunocompromised people. EN 14476 is one of the important standards used as a reference for evaluating the effectiveness of disinfectants. The following article underscores the vitality

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ASTM D 3273 vs. ISO 22196

ASTM D 3273 vs. ISO 22196: Testing the Resistance of Interior Coatings and Plastics to Mold and Bacteria

Interior coatings and plastics which have mold and bacterial resistance properties are important for the environments with high humidity levels and temperature changes. Two important standards ASTM D3273 and ISO 22196 are used to evaluate the effectiveness of coatings and plastics in resisting mold and bacteria. It is necessary for manufacturers to understand these standards

ASTM D 3273 vs. ISO 22196: Testing the Resistance of Interior Coatings and Plastics to Mold and Bacteria Read More »

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