May 30, 2024

What are Different AOAC Test Standards & Their Requirements?

What are Different AOAC Test Standards & Their Requirements?

Antimicrobial testing is important to prove the effectiveness of disinfectants, sanitizers, and other antimicrobial agents before they are released as safe products in the market. The AOAC International maintains such standards and the industries follow AOAC test standards for regulatory requirements, development of new products, and quality assurance. This paper details the AOAC test standards […]

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Preservative Efficacy Testing

Preservative Efficacy Testing Services: Ensuring Product Safety and Longevity

Preservatives are essential for safety and shelf life of many products, from cosmetics and personal care products to pharmaceuticals and industrial products. In order to ensure that preservatives are actively inhibiting microbial contamination, preservative efficacy testing must be done. In this article, we explore the need for such services, the methods applied, and their implementation

Preservative Efficacy Testing Services: Ensuring Product Safety and Longevity Read More »

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